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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ray Comfort's 'Origin Of Species' Confuses Amazon 最新消息

在 Facebook 呼籲﹐和互聯網上大家互相通知﹐Amazon.com 把那些評擊A貨“物種起源”﹐即有 Ray Comfort 序言那個版本和其他版本的評論分開列出﹐結果 Ray Comfort版本的評分得番一星﹐從榜首跌落一級﹐而且有40幾篇評論狂踩 Ray Comfort﹐節錄異性大家看看﹕

Buy this and rip out the introduction, then you'll have a copy of "THe Origin of Species". I got mine for free when they visited my college, I ripped the intro out right in front of them.

If you get this, do yourself a favor and remove the fifty page intro because it is ridiculous. Please recycle the waste of paper.

Ray Comfort .... has stooped to a new low in his anti-evolution agenda.

Comfort's 50 page intro is an embarrassing affront to scientific honesty and integrity. Anybody who has followed his antics on the internet knows not to take him seriously, but by attaching his name and his screed to Darwin's work, and then having Amazon market it as though it's a legitimate complement to this volume, is abhorrent.

.....creationist Ray Comfort who seeks to defame Darwin's work by prefacing this edition with anti-scientific propaganda, nonsense and lies

Ray Comfort, who famously proved god with a banana, has written the forward. This is Christian propaganda. More lies for Jesus!

His (Ray Comfort) dishonesty obviously knows no bounds.

As usual, Mr. Comfort's deceitful ways will backfire on him though. He continues to prove that people like him will use any underhanded tactic they can dream up to further their own agenda......

Ray Comfort does not deserve to share authorship with Darwin.

He's (Ray Comfort) one of those awful creationists who try every low-down trick in the book in order to sneak their ignorant brand of nonsense under the noses of any unsuspecting individual.

Ray Comfort 本來打算和 Campus for Christ 合作﹐在美國最少50間大學免費派這本有他所謂“序言”的書給學生﹐但他高調的宣佈下﹐引發很多科學家﹑無神論者和不滿他手段的人激烈反彈﹐據說有學生表明會冒充信徒去大量索取這本書﹐然後撕去 Ray Comfort 的序言。

於是 Ray Comfort 不敢在公開談論他派書的計劃﹐可能結果是要在教會派。

我對他行為非常不滿﹐現在正打算弄一本有無神論﹑懷疑論者指出聖經謬誤﹑矛盾﹑殘酷的前言的聖經 (King James Version)﹐然後整理成為PDF檔案﹐放在互聯網傳播。


Anonymous said...

>> ﹐我們為何不可以出一本附有聖經真相的“聖經”給大眾﹖

也許你已知道,網上有相關的(英文)資料:Skeptics Annotated Bible:


大黃傻貓GARFIELD said...

Anonymous, 其實我知道有Skeptics Annotated Bible﹐但我不只如此。我想出版和合本印刷版 (有警告/真相)部份

丁南僑 said...


Thank you for your reply. Publishing such a book in Chinese is a good idea. Do you have any publisher in mind? If not you may want to consider stepforward (進一步):
I am one of the members involved in the running of stepforward. If you are interested you may email me at:
to discuss possibility any ways of collaboration.

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