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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jean Baptiste Maunier - Pueri Concinite

The angelic voice of Jean Baptiste Maunier -- a voice that simply heavenly.

This is a Latin piece:

Pueri concinite Nato regi psallite
Voce pia dicite
Apparuit quem genuit Maria

Sum implenta quae praedixit Gabriel Eia, Eia,
virgo Deum genuit Quem divina voluit clementia
Hodie apparuit Apparuit in Israel Ex Maria virgine natus est Rex!

English Translation:
Sing together, children,
sing songs to the newborn King;
in pious tones, say:
He who was born of Mary appears.
Now we see fulfilled the word of Gabriel: Eya, eya!
The Virgin has given birth to God,
As the divine mercy willed.

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