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Thursday, August 02, 2007


天主教把單獨對三位一體真神的崇拜稱為 Latria﹐而對人的敬禮稱為 Dulia。很多人會問﹐到底這兩個術語有沒有聖經根據呢﹖是不是天主教發明的呢﹖
天主教把最高最尊榮的榮耀 (Adoration lorification) ﹐欽崇﹐是單獨給至高的三位一體神﹐稱為 Latria。Latria 來自新約原文的Latreia ﹐意思就是給予神的服侍 (divine service)﹐只在新約出現五次﹕
Latreia is Strong's word #2999. It appears 5 times in the NT, and is translated "service" or "divine service" in the KJV - in reference to God (Jn 16:2; Rom 9:4, 12:1; Heb 9:1,6).
對人(聖徒)﹐天主教只是給予 veneration﹐敬禮﹐尊敬﹐稱為 dulia﹐douleia 是希臘原文﹐指的是對人的服務。對馬利亞天主教徒最愛戴﹐所以有時叫 hyperdulia﹐但仍然遠遠不及最高最尊榮的欽崇 Latria。

十誡的第二誡是:不可?自己雕刻偶像,也不可作甚么形象,彷佛上天、下地、和 地底下、水中的百物,不可跪拜那些像,也不可事奉它,因我耶和華你的神是忌邪的神。

但聖經後來也有地方看到神指示人為o基o路o伯造像 (約櫃)。建造聖殿時候﹐聖殿也有牛羊像裝飾的。
根據Yehezkel Kaufman (1960) 所說﹐古希伯來人﹐偶像也是一種神﹐是敬拜的對象。
Biblical authors interpreted idolatry in its most literal form: according to the Bible, most idolaters really believed that their idols were gods, and holds that the Biblical authors made an error in assuming that all idolatry was of this type, when in fact in some cases, idols may have only been representations of gods. Kaufman writes that "We may perhaps say that the Bible sees in paganism only its lowest level, the level of mana-beliefs...the prophets ignore what we know to be authentic paganism (i.e., its elaborate mythology about the origin and exploits of the gods and their ultimate subjection to a meta-divine reservoir of impersonal power representing Fate or Necessity.) Their [the Biblical author's] whole condemnation revolves around the taunt of fetishism."

(1) 自己雕刻偶像
(2) 把單獨神才可以得的榮耀崇敬(Latria)用在那些像之上
(3) 拜的人的動機是把那些像等同神一樣地位
(4) 拜的人的動機是要那些像為他們實行一些要求
可是﹐除了 (1)﹐天主教根本這些所謂敬奉(Dulia) 之禮﹐都是止于對一個聖徒的尊重﹐就如在家放死去親人照片一樣﹐何以構成拜偶像呢﹖

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